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A Drawing A Day Keeps The Art Block Away

There is victory in consistency.

Which is a beautiful thing, as consistency gives us the chance to try and succeed at the same time. Both actions become one and the same. When we set out to do something, the first and last step are equally important. Say, painting a wall…it can look daunting at first and doesn’t look any easier with just a stroke of paint. But stroke by stroke, eventually it will be completely finished. With that same brush stroke you took to get started, becoming the final brush stroke you take to finish.

Consistency produces momentum. Momentum gives us strength, both mental and physical. If we were a car, mental strength could be thought of as a map and physical strength could be thought of as fuel. These tools allow us to keep going, no matter the pace. Which means even if we go slowly, as long as we don’t stop, we shall reach our destination – our goals. Because we are taking action. It’s absolutely true that a little goes a long way.

In my opinion…Consistency is more powerful and useful than talent, knowledge, inspiration, or motivation. There have been times I’ve wanted to do something but felt I didn’t have the talent, enough knowledge, any inspiration, or zero motivation. I would freeze up, procrastinate, or doubt myself to the point it completely derailed me from success. Being consistent, I now know, would have made me fight through all of that and pushed me to take some type of action.

I want to do my best every day. When I wake up I try to think of ways to get closer to my goals, even if it is in the smallest way. I know what it’s like to be paralyzed, unable to move forward, and I never want to feel or be that way again. I promised myself I will do something creative every day. Mainly drawing, since I am an artist. Even if it’s miniscule, its significance and overall effect is huge. As long as I try, make an effort, I will be successful.

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